Tree of Life Doula Care is the Greater Gallatin Valley's choice for professional, knowledgeable, and loving care throughout the perinatal period. Our Certified Doulas, Lactation Counselors, Pediatric Therapists, and Night Nannies are ready to walk with you through pregnancy, birth and beyond. With a wide range of services, we are equipped to meet your individual needs while nurturing a solid foundation for your entire family. Let us be your guide for a smooth and empowering experience!
“I was able to get all of what I needed through Tree of Life - the most amazing meals, a phenomenal night-nanny, and unbounded, non-judgmental strength and support in my chosen path. I am so grateful that this organization exists. ”

“This has an exponential trickle down effect for the future of our community and with this model we can reach out to other communities and help them provide the support, making this world a better place, one family at a time!”
“I have always been interested in birth and babies. When I was in college I attended my first birth as a doula and was hooked from that point on. Since 2002 I have attended over 50 births for friends and clients and also had four of my own babies.”
“As new parents, and the first of our siblings to have children, neither of us have ever traveled with a baby before but we both had heard and seen the horror stories. I’ve seen the little ones on airplanes screaming, fussy, and so upset. I’ve seen moms on vacation looking haggard and incredibly exhausted from a fussy baby whose routine and way of life was completely uprooted.”
This year, this 2020 year of shifting expectations, of sudden changes, of making alternate plans or no plans at all… How do we enter into this next season with openness and intentionality when everything around us seems in flux?
“It was mid-March last year when that answer came. I was in shock, amongst the flood of many other emotions. Yes, we were trying so it was expected to happen. However, there is something different about when the stick actually says you are pregnant.”
Short-term options for moms and families who are looking for some reprieve, an opportunity to reset, and a way to gain some new perspective when life can otherwise be overwhelming.
Beyond the hip squeezes, the position changes, the breathing techniques, the baby swaddling, and meal prep, there are vastly deeper layers to doula support. If you’ve ever worked with a doula, you know. It’s not just her physical presence that can cause a shift in your birth experience or your postpartum recovery (although that alone is quite powerful), it’s her knowledge and compassion too that instill confidence and calm.
“To me, vulnerability is one of the most important pieces of being a doula. Our load is lightened when we share. Speaking our truth allows us to own it rather than letting it own us. My truth is that this pregnancy comes after a loss which has forever changed me, as loss does.”
Deciding to have a baby is the start of one of the greatest adventures of your life! It takes a lot of energy to care for this new life and we are here to support you.
Growing families one branch at a time.
- Serving Gallatin, Park, Madison, Jefferson, Broadwater, Silver Bow, Lewis & Clark, Meagher, and Sweet Grass Counties in Montana -