Saying goodbye to a baby is never something anyone should have to do. The experience can be terribly confusing, emotionally charged, and physically difficult. It can feel isolating, especially when others don’t understand. We can lend an ear, extend a hug, cry with you, help your family with logistics, and even support you during birth—whatever you might need. We will walk the path with you. We have been there. We know.
Feeling Lost? Confused?
We are here to help. Whether you are currently experiencing a loss, have recently gone through a loss, or even if it has been a while since you had to say goodbye. There is no time limit for us to go into the deep spaces of pregnancy and infant loss with you. Grief can be terribly isolating. We don’t want that for you. This form allows us to begin a conversation. It’s okay if you don’t know what you need right now. We’re here for you with open hearts.
Connect With Us
“On this darkest of days, we will grieve, we will cry our eyes out. But we will hug and love each other harder and get through it.”
Resources for Support:
Websites and Organizations
Share Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support
Empty Arms: Coping After Miscarriage, Stillbirth and Infant Death
They Were Still Born: Personal Stories about Sillbirth
Three Minus One: Stories of Parents’ Love and Loss
No Heartbeat: Coming to Terms With and Healing From Miscarriage
Trying Again: A Guide to Pregnancy After Miscarriage
Grieving the Child I Never Knew
Empty Cradle, Broken Heart: Surviving the Death of Your Baby